Children’s Ministries

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Think Orange!!!

The greatest tool for introducing your child to the Lord Jesus Christ and training your child to be a lifelong follower of Jesus is… You!

The typical church has about 50 hours a year to make an impact in the life of a child. A parent has over 3000 waking hours a year to apply faith in the life of their children. 3,000 > 50 every time!

Holly Grove embraces a model of ministry that strives to create rich environments for children to learn about faith in Jesus Christ; while also putting a tremendous amount of effort into training parents and grandparents to take advantage of every God given opportunity to kindle the flame of passion for Jesus in the hearts of kids! We are part of a movement of churches that think orange, taking advantage of the light of the church (yellow) and the love of the family (red) to create a strategy that takes advantage of all the resources at our disposal to train the next generation to follow Christ!